Michelle Schulte

Dec 2, 20194 min

2019 New Songs: Part 1

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

Last time I wrote I was thinking with you about the purpose of poetry and how oftentimes it brings context to our experiences or just simply speaks to us in our deepest places.

To take this topic a step further I reached out to several of the music team leaders to ask them why they were drawn to the new songs they chose to share with you thru the weekend worship experience in the year 2019. I pray you are blessed by their thoughts! We’ll be sharing 9 songs, in a two-part blog post, so look for part two later in the month.

#9 “Yes I Will” John Draginis

I chose to introduce “Yes I Will” for a few reasons, but the main reason was the powerful truth it displays about choosing God even when you don't feel like it. The beauty of our relationship with God is that ultimately He chose us and through Christ we were able to know him, but the reality, like any other relationship is that we don't always feel like choosing God, or feel like looking to Him. However, even in the midst of that indecision or sometimes down right turning from God, he never fails us. Gods plan for us may not look like what we expect it to look like but in the words of the song, "The same God who's never late, is working all things out”. In the chorus it also states a powerful truth, "Yes I will lift You high in the lowest valley." this is pulled directly from Psalm 34, and it displays the powerful truth that no matter the circumstances we must choose God.

Dig Deeper: Remember a time when you thought God was late and instead experienced His perfect timing. In what valley today can you choose to sing for joy for yourself or for someone else?

#8 “Another in the Fire” Shelby Moser

For Another in the Fire I think I was really struck by two important reminders from the lyrics. The very first line of the song says "...when the heart is under fire." WHEN. This is a reminder that it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN we face trials. The first reminder is that, as Christians, we are in no way guaranteed a life free of hardship, trouble or difficult seasons. In fact, we know we WILL face these things. But the second reminder, good news in the song, is that Jesus does not forsake us in the trials...in fact, He is right there WITH us! The word pictures created in the lyrics of Jesus standing in the fire, holding back the seas, and ultimately dying on the cross is the bold reminder that He is with us, and He suffered too.....FOR US.

Dig Deeper: Which of these lyrics speak to you the most where you are on your journey right now? Why?

#7 “Scars” Elizabeth Laws

To be completely honest the song caught my attention first because the music itself was so awesome! :) But then listening to the words I really liked the message of the song - how we should be thankful for where we've come from and the scars we've had to endure to get to where we are in Christ today. I also like how it ties in how Christ also endured scars for us - we are both scarred, but that's what makes us beautiful.

Dig Deeper: What scars are you most grateful for?

#6 More Like Jesus Cal Bergsma

“More Like Jesus” is a song designed for a more sincere time of worship. It is not showy or difficult musically but the meter, chord structure and flow are such that it compliments very well what is being sung. The song starts so small but just builds and builds as the words of the song seem to get deeper and more meaningful and draws people to a place where they are willingly, wanting and actually desiring to do what is perhaps hardest for all human beings to do and that is to deny oneself in exchange for as much of their creator as they possibly can get. The song does an amazing job at least to me of drawing people to that point. Then I love the bridge of the song where the "great commission" is referred to and again the Holy Spirit I believe can do an amazing work in a person as they again desire to see a lost and dying, hopeless world reached with the good news and to not just selfishly keep it for yourself.

Dig Deeper: Do you desire more of God? Why did you answer the way you did? What may God be calling you to release so there is more room for Him?

As the musicians who serve you, it is always our desire to turn you back to Scripture and back to Jesus through our practice of the art of music. We look forward to seeing you this coming weekend to sing out our witness together and lift His name!

...PART 2...
