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Meeting Room


The Elder Board is the primary source of leadership at Hope Church and is in place to advise the Senior Pastor, protect the doctrinal purity of our church, affirm the spiritual and visionary long-term direction of our church, embody the spiritual values of our church, and enforce any necessary spiritual discipline within the congregation.


The Elders empower the Staff to lead all of the ongoing day-to-day leadership, ministry, and tactical decisions of the church.


At Hope Church, our congregational form of governance results in our members voting on key critical decisions in our church to include the calling of a new Senior Pastor, approval of our annual budget, selecting members of the Elder Nominating Team and approving members of Elder Board.


If you have any questions or feedback for our Elder Board, please email them at



​Membership at Hope Church is a way for a Christian to express their agreement with the mission and values of Hope Church. Membership is a major step in publicly identifying as a part of the local church body. Members play an important role in church governance. To find out more about what we believe and how we are governed, review our current Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

View the Membership Application

View  the Membership Covenant


A Membership class is required before applying for membership. After the membership class, there is an application process involved as well as an elder interview. You must be at least 16 years old and a follower of Jesus Christ to become a member.



Evangelical Free Church of America

The Evangelical Free Church of America is 1,500 autonomous churches united by a mutual commitment to serve Jesus Christ with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Word of God. Hope Church is committed to cooperate with other churches in this denomination and other churches in Dubuque that are submitted to Jesus Christ, to see His love and message shared as a blessing to others. The EFCA currently also extends to 45 other countries.


What Does "Evangelical" Mean?

This term refers to our commitment to share the Gospel (the good news about Jesus Christ) and to the authority of Scriptures as being inerrant (without error) in their original writings, and the only trustworthy guide to faith and a God-honoring lifestyle.


What Does "Free" Mean?

This term refers to our form of church governance as being congregational. Evangelical Free Churches depend upon the active participation of lay people in the decisions and directions of each local church. At Hope Church, the congregation elects godly lay leaders called Elders to guide the direction of the church. Hope Church owns its own land, hires its own pastors and staff, and sets its own budget, all without outside approval.


The EFCA is divided in the various management districts. Hope Church is part of the Central District, including other churches in Iowa and Missouri.



The Hope Church elder board and members adopt bylaws and articles of incorporation that dictate the structure and purpose of Hope Church. For your convenience, the most recent Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation adopted on April 25, 2021 are available for you to download.

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General Fund

General Fund offerings go to support the ministries, facilities, and staffing of our church. Most of the gifts made to Hope Church go to our General Fund. 


Good Samaritan Fund

This fund exists to:

  • Help members and regular attenders of Hope Church who are experiencing a financial emergency.

  • Enable participation in a Hope Church ministry (examples could include registration fees, workbooks, transportation, childcare, etc.).

  • Support other non-profits


​When the balance in this fund exceeds a level deemed adequate to sustain these purposes, donations to this fund can also be used to support vital Hope Church ministries.​You may donate directly to the Good Samaritan Fund through the online giving process by choosing “Good Samaritan Fund” in the “Giving Type” pull-down menu.​

If you would like to apply for assistance from the Good Samaritan Fund, download detailed instructions and an application below or contact the church office. Please ensure that all areas of the application are completed, along with a cover letter, before submitting to the church office in an envelope marked “Good Samaritan Team”.


Apply For Assistance

Investment Giving

Did you know that you can give a stock, bond, or mutual fund gift to Hope Church? If this is something you'd like to do, please fill out the Investment Gift form & return it to the church office. Also, please contact Michelle Harris, Client Associate of Wells Fargo Advisors directly. They manage Hope Church’s brokerage account and can assist you with the transfer of securities and other non-cash assets into Hope Church's account.


Download: Investment Gift Form


Wells Fargo Advisors | (563) 557-9400

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, member SIPC.

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