Sermon Archive
Reliant on God's Wisdom
Nehemiah 2:11-20
Nehemiah: Rebuilding for God's Glory
Mark’s sermon, "Reliant on God’s Wisdom," contrasts worldly leaders who fumble through decisions with Nehemiah, a model of wise and focused leadership. Nehemiah’s story shows a leader who carefully planned, prayed, and trusted in God’s wisdom every step of the way. Unlike Hollywood’s bumbling heroes, Nehemiah didn’t act on impulse; he inspected Jerusalem’s walls in secret, understanding the reality before rallying others to rebuild. He inspired his people, not for personal fame, but for God’s glory, emphasizing the need for community and unity in mission. When opposition arose, Nehemiah confidently relied on God’s promises, showing that success comes not from human strength but through complete dependence on God’s wisdom. The sermon challenges us to inspect our own hearts, work together in faith, and trust God’s wisdom to face the obstacles in our lives, just as Nehemiah did.
On Mission with God
Nehemiah 2:1-10
Nehemiah: Rebuilding for God's Glory
In his sermon, Marty emphasizes the importance of building lives, marriages, families, and a community of disciples who surrender to Christ, aiming for a legacy that lasts into eternity. Drawing from the story of Nehemiah, Marty illustrates how God uses unlikely people to accomplish His work, highlighting four key necessities for being on mission with God: watchful patience, strong courage, deep reliance on God, and intentional readiness. Marty challenges you to recognize God's ongoing work around you and to join His mission, just as Jesus did, by surrendering your life fully to God's purpose.
A Burden for What's Broken
Nehemiah 1:1-11
Nehemiah: Rebuilding for God's Glory
In this sermon, Pastor Ross introduces a new series on the book of Nehemiah, emphasizing that the story is not just about rebuilding walls or a great leader, but about God's desire to rebuild His people for His glory. Nehemiah's journey begins with a deep burden for the brokenness of Jerusalem, reflecting God’s heart for His people. Pastor Ross explains how God uses Nehemiah’s prayer, marked by adoration, confession, and petition, as a model of seeking God's favor. The sermon challenges us to examine our own hearts, asking if we have a burden for what’s broken around us and within us, urging us to turn to God in repentance. Ultimately, it's a call to recognize that, like Nehemiah, we are called to be burdened for God’s glory and to trust in Jesus, who carried the ultimate burden for our sins to restore us to God.
On the Way
Vision Series
In his sermon, Pastor Ross outlined the church's vision of raising up disciples who surrender their lives to Jesus. He emphasized the importance of connecting with God through Christ, growing together in faith, and serving others as essential steps in this journey. Drawing from scriptures like Ephesians 2:13-18, Acts 2:42-47, and 1 Peter 4:7-11, Pastor Ross encouraged the congregation to embrace unity, radical generosity, and deep love as they fulfill their mission. He challenged everyone to reflect on their personal spiritual journey, asking them to consider how they are connecting, growing, and serving in their faith.
Raising Up Disciples
Matthew 28:18-20
Vision Series
In his sermon, Pastor Ross outlines the new direction for Hope Church, emphasizing a focused vision to raise up fully surrendered disciples of Christ. Drawing from Matthew 28:16-20, he highlights the Great Commission as the foundation for this mission. Pastor Ross identifies three key characteristics of a disciple: worshiping Jesus, obeying His commands, and reaching others for Christ. He encourages the congregation to embrace this vision with a renewed commitment to discipleship, grounded in the promise of Jesus' continual presence and guidance.
A Heart that Adores
Psalm 145
Heart of Worship
In today's sermon, we concluded our series on worship by delving into Psalm 145 and exploring the heart that adores God. We reflected on the various heart postures in worship—seeking holiness, praising, celebrating, trusting, and surrendering—that help us understand and treasure God's infinite worth. Like the facets of a diamond, each posture reveals a unique aspect of God's beauty. Psalm 145 reminds us that true worship captures both our mind and heart, focusing on the greatness of God, who alone is worthy of our adoration. As we draw closer to God, we discover His perfection and our response should be one of awe, reverence, and joyful praise, proclaiming His goodness and passing it on to the next generation.